Storyteller from the Future



Karen Palmer is the Storyteller from the Future. She is an Award Winning International Artist and TED Speaker. She creates emotionally responsive film experiences at the intersection of film, A.I. technology, gaming, Immersive Storytelling, Neuroscience, Consciousness, Implicit Bias, and the Parkour philosophy of moving through fear. 

There have been numerous articles on her work, highlights include Wired, PC Magazine, Forbes, CBS TV , Fast Company , Engadget, NBC,The Guardian described her work as“ It leapfrogs over VR”.

What if storytelling functions as a vision for strategies of liberation, which empower people to not just imagine alternative futures but actually begin to intentionally build and create the tools, networks and open source tech? Would participants and communities start to wake up to the fact that we have the potential to be powerful co-creators?

Hack the Future Labs are Think & Action Tanks at the intersection of Art, Film, Neuroscience, Technology, Activism, Social Justice, Spirituality and the Parkour Philosophy of moving through Fear. Creating interdisciplinary conversations and discussions to enable deep insight on themes which are impacting this rapidly changing new society in which we now and ourselves.

Each workshop will consist of a 2 day Think Tank and a one day UX practical actualisation of the ideologies developed.
